Achievements, Awards, Honors

Steve F. Russell, PhD, PE

1966     Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (BSEE), Montana State University
1973     Masters of Science, Electrical Engineering (MSEE), Iowa State University, Thesis Title: "Noise and Sensitivity-Measurement Theory for Receiving Systems and Circuits."
1978     Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical Engineering (PhDEE), Iowa State University, Dissertation Title: "Spectral Analysis Methods for Noisy Sampled-Data Systems."

2003    Warren Boast Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award
2003-2005    Re-elected as At-Large ISU Senator from the College of Engineering
2001-2003    Elected as At-Large ISU Senator from the College of Engineering
2000-2001    Miller Faculty Fellow, Center for Teaching Excellence, Iowa State University.
2000    Corporate Distinguished Lecturer, Telecordia Technologies, Inc. (Bell Labs), Morris Corporate Center, Morristown, New Jersey (08/17/2000).
1994    IEEE - Promotion to Senior Member
1991    Sigma Xi - Promotion to Full Member
1980    First Principal Engineer at King Radio Corporation
1977    FALLCON Conference Co-Chair, IEEE - Cedar Rapids Section.
1975    Phi Kappa Phi - National Honor Society
1972-73    Fellowship Award, Graduate College NDEA Predoctorial Fellowship Competition, Iowa State University
1972    Eta Kappa Nu - National Electrical Engineering Honor Society

President, ASNT, Iowa Chapter

1999    Featured in Emmy winning documentary on Lewis and Clark in Idaho, A Bitter Crossing, Idaho Public Television.
1999    Co-authored (with Idaho PTV) a web site on Lewis and Clark which won a bronze medal at the National Educational Telecommunications Association, New York City.
President, Nez Perce National Historic Trail Foundation
Carroll Trail, Meagher County News

president of NPNHTF
esto perpetua

35 Word-Per-Minute CW Certificate, ARRL National Convention Competition
160 Meter, Kansas
160 Meter, Midwest
10 Meter, Kansas
General Class License
Advanced Class License
Extra Class License, Examination at FCC offices, Kansas, City, MO

1962     1st Chair, Trumpet, Montana Allstate Band


Steve F. Russell, Ph.D., P.E.
Revised April 16, 2015

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