Welcome to the Historic Trails Research Website
and Clark National Historic Trail 1805-1806
ENGINEER TRACKS THE TRAIL Idaho Public Television (This internet presentation has been removed from their site) |
1999 |
"An Engineering Tracks the Trail" was the first website of its kind that presented the Lewis and Clark Trail story. This website featured an Emmy-winning documentary on Lewis and Clark in Idaho, Echos of a Bitter Crossing, Idaho Public Television, 1999. |
OF A BITTER CROSSING Lewis and Clark in Idaho Idaho Public Television PBS |
1999 |
Echos of a Bitter Crossing is the story of the travel of Lewis and Clark through Idaho. The covered many perspective of the impact of their journal on the local people and the history of the western United States. The 1-hour video features a fireside discussion by several people interested in the history of the Lolo Trail. |
AND CLARK TRAIL "In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark" Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2004 |
This presentation, "Lewis and Clark - In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark," was presented at the Museum of the Rockies, Bozeman, MT in 2004 and was sponsored by the local chapter of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation |
AND CLARK TRAIL "In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark" "People, History, Geography, and Earth Science" Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2011 |
This presentation, "Lewis and Clark - In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark, People, History, Geography, and Earth Science," was presented to the 6th grade history class at Gilbert, Iowa |
AND CLARK TRAIL Lewis and Clark Trail Governor's Committee Presentation and Minutes Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2014 |
Lewis & Clark Trail Research Presentation to the Idaho Lewis & Clark Governors Committee. Powell Ranger Station, Idaho, September 12, 2014 This presentation was a summary of research on the Lewis and Clark trail in Idaho, and recommendations for documentation and preservation. |
LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL StoryCorps Interview National Park Service Steve F. Russell & Rachel Daniels Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2016 |
A StoryCorps interview in the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail offices of the National Park Service in Omaha, NB. Steve F. Russell, Historic Trails Research, Ames, Iowa and Rachel Daniels, National Park Service in Omaha, NB. Audio MP3 file. |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part I Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
Introduction to Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery: Background information on the origin of the expedition, presentation of information sources, selected maps of the route of the expedition, and background of the research effort by Steve F. Russell. |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part II Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
This is a few of the Deer Creek Canyon looking southward. This canyon is a tributary of the Salmon River, and comes in from the north. The Ordway salmon fishing party traveled down the west side of this canyon on a Nez Perce trail. Steve F. Russell hiked down this on a hot summers day, when the temperature at the bottom of the canyon was 115 deg F.!! |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part III Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
This is a photo of all the equipment use to do a precision survey of the Lolo Trail Nation Historic Landmark. The (yellow) Trimble XRS PRO GPS unit had an accuracy of +/ 3 meters when aided by satellite or Coast Guard Beacon. |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part IV Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
"Junior is a two year old Moose that came into my morning camp at Saddle Camp on the Lolo Trail. His mom came right up to my fire pit and started looking for something to eat. |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part V - Campsite Photos, Gallery A Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
Lewis and Clark campsite photos for September 11, 1805 (Montana) to October 10, 1805 (Washington) |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part VI - Campsite Photos, Gallery B Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
Lewis and Clark campsite photos for May 5, 1906 (Idaho) to June 29, 1806 (Montana) |
Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Over the Mountains Presentation Part VII - Campsite Photos, Gallery C Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
Lewis and Clark campsite photos for: Clark: July 3, 1806 to July 7, 1806, Montana. Lewis: Eastward from Traveler's Rest to the upper Big Blackfoot River |
and Clark and the Corps of Discovery Sacagawea Factual Information from Original Sources Links: (steverussellweb.com) (Archive.org) |
2018 |
This report documents the actual historical information about Sacagawea, not the fiction that appears in so many books and websites. |
2022 |
A brief history of the Lolo Trail System with annotated maps and photos. This history was provided to a special task force in the National Park Service, that was preparing a new interpretation of the Lolo Trail National Historic Landmark. |